Source code for

from import ControllerBase

from sympy.tensor.array import Array
from import MemorylessSystem

[docs]class PID(ControllerBase): """ PID(inputs=w) PID(ksi0, chi0, psi0, inputs=inputs) A nonlinear PID controller can be created using the PID class. This class is based on the ControllerBase object. The nonlinear PID is is based on the input vector w(t), containing sympy's dynamicsymbols. The formulation is the following: .. math:: u(t) = \\xi_0(w(t)) + \\chi_0\\left(\\int(w(t),t)\\right) + \\psi_0(w'(t)) with :math:`.'(t)` indicating the time derivative of the signal. The class object allows the construction of P, PI, PD and PID controllers, by setting chi0 or psi0 to None. The system is based on a MemorylessSystem object from simupy. Parameters ----------- args : optional ksi0 : array-like A list of P-action expressions, containing the input signal. chi0 : array-like A list of I-action expressions, containing the integral of the input signal. psi0 : array-like A list of D-action expressions, containing the derivative of the input signal. kwargs : inputs : array-like or string if `inputs` is a string, it is a comma-separated listing of the input names. If `inputs` is array-like it contains the inputs as sympy's dynamic symbols. Examples --------- * Create a classic PD controller with two inputs: >>> C = PID(inputs='w1, w2') >>> w1, w2, w1dot, w2dot = C.create_variables() >>> kp = 1, kd = 5 >>> ksi0 = [kp * w1, kp * w2] >>> psi0 = [kd * w1dot, kd * w2dot] >>> C.define_PID(ksi0, None, psi0) * Same as exercise as above, but with a different constructor: >>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols >>> from sympy import Symbol, diff >>> w = dynamicsymbols('w1, w2') >>> w1, w2 = tuple(inputs) >>> kp = 1, kd = 5 >>> ksi0 = [kp * w1, kp * w2] >>> psi0 = [kd * diff(w1, Symbol('t')), kd * diff(w2, Symbol('t'))] >>> C = PID(ksi0, None, psi0, inputs=w) * Formulate a standard I-action chi0: >>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols >>> from sympy import Symbol, integrate >>> w = dynamicsymbols('w1, w2') >>> w1, w2 = tuple(inputs) >>> ki = 0.5 >>> chi0 = [ki * integrate(w1, Symbol('t')), ki * integrate(w2, Symbol('t'))] """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'inputs' not in kwargs.keys(): error_text = "[] An 'inputs=' keyword is necessary." raise AssertionError(error_text) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._ksi0 = None # potential energy shaper self._psi0 = None # damping injection self._chi0 = None # integral action if len(args) not in (0, 1, 3): error_text = '[] the argument list should contain a P-action vector, or a P-action, I-action, and D-action vector. In the latter case, if I- or D-action is not necessary replace with None.' raise ValueError(error_text) if len(args) == 3: self.define_PID(*args) elif len(args) == 1: self.define_PID(*args, None, None) def __str__(self): return """ PID object: =========== P: {} I: {} D: {} """.format(self.P_action, self.I_action, self.D_action) @property def P_action(self): return self._ksi0 @P_action.setter def P_action(self, fct): fct = [fct] if not isinstance(fct, list) and fct is not None else fct self._ksi0 = fct @property def D_action(self): return self._psi0 @D_action.setter def D_action(self, fct): fct = [fct] if not isinstance(fct, list) and fct is not None else fct self._psi0 = fct @property def I_action(self): return self._chi0 @I_action.setter def I_action(self, fct): fct = [fct] if not isinstance(fct, list) and fct is not None else fct self._chi0 = fct
[docs] def define_PID(self, P, I, D): """ Set all three PID actions with one function, instead of using the setter functions for each individual action. Automatic checking of the dimensions is done as well. The PID's system arguments is set to a simupy's MemorylessSystem object, containing the proper PID expressions. Both P, PI, PD and PID can be formed by setting the appropriate actions to None. Parameters ----------- P : list or expression A list of expressions or an expression defining ksi0. I : list or expression or None A list of expressions or an expression defining chi0. If I is None, the controller does not contain an I-action. D : list or expression or None A list of expressions or an expression defining psi0. If D is None, the controller does not contain a D-action. """ P = [P] if not isinstance(P, list) and fct is not None else P dim = len(P) self.P_action = P if I is None: self.I_action = None else: I = [I] if not isinstance(I, list) and fct is not None else I if len(I) == dim: self.I_action = I else: error_text = '[] The dimension of the I vector differs from the dimension of the P vector.' raise ValueError(error_text) if D is None: self.D_action = None else: D = [D] if not isinstance(D, list) and fct is not None else D if len(D) == dim: self.D_action = D else: error_text = '[] The dimension of the D vector differs from the dimension of the P vector.' raise ValueError(error_text) self.__create_system__()
def __create_system__(self): """ Create the inputs and output equations from the P, PI,PD, or PID's expressions. """ if self.I_action is None and self.D_action is None: # P-controller inputs = self.inputs output_equation = Array(self.P_action) elif self.I_action is None: # PD-controller inputs = [val for pair in zip(self.inputs, self.dinputs) for val in pair] output_equation = Array([sum(x) for x in zip(self.P_action, self.D_action)]) elif self.D_action is None: # PI-controller inputs = [val for pair in zip(self.inputs, self.iinputs) for val in pair] output_equation = Array([sum(x) for x in zip(self.P_action, self.I_action)]) else: # PID-controller inputs = [val for pair in zip(self.inputs, self.iinputs, self.dinputs) for val in pair] output_equation = Array([sum(x) for x in zip(self.P_action, self.I_action, self.D_action)]) self.system = MemorylessSystem(input_=inputs, output_equation=output_equation)