Source code for

from sympy.physics.mechanics import msubs
from sympy.matrices import Matrix
from sympy.tensor.array import Array
from sympy import diff, Symbol

from import DynamicalSystem

from import SystemBase

from itertools import chain

[docs]class EulerLagrange(SystemBase): """ EulerLagrange(states, inputs, sys=None) A class that defines SystemBase object using an Euler-Lagrange formulation: .. math:: M(x).x'' + C(x, x').x' + K(x)= F(u) Here, x represents a minimal state: .. math:: [x_1, x_2, ...] the apostrophe represents a time derivative, and u is the input vector: .. math:: [u_1, u_2, ...] A SystemBase object uses a state equation function of the form: .. math:: x' = f(x, u) However, as system contains second time derivatives of the state, an extended state x* is necessary containing the minimized states and its first time derivatives: .. math:: x^{*} = [x_1, x_1', x_2, x_2', ...] which makes it possible to adhere to the SystemBase formulation: .. math:: x^{*'} = f(x^{*}, u) Parameters ----------- states : string or array-like if `states` is a string, it is a comma-separated listing of the state names. If `states` is array-like it contains the states as sympy's dynamic symbols. inputs : string or array-like if `inputs` is a string, it is a comma-separated listing of the input names. If `inputs` is array-like it contains the inputs as sympy's dynamic symbols. sys : simupy's DynamicalSystem object (, optional the object containing output and state equations, default: None. Examples --------- * Create a EulerLagrange object with two states and two inputs: >>> states = 'x1, x2' >>> inputs = 'u1, u2' >>> sys = EulerLagrange(states, inputs) >>> x1, x2, dx1, dx2, u1, u2, du1, du2 = sys.create_variables(input_diffs=True) >>> M = [[1, x1*x2], [x1*x2, 1]] >>> C = [[2*dx1, 1 + x1], [x2 - 2, 3*dx2]] >>> K = [x1, 2*x2] >>> F = [u1, 0] >>> sys.define_system(M, C, K, F) * Get the Euler-Lagrange matrices and the state equations: >>> M = sys.inertia_matrix >>> C = sys.damping_matrix >>> K = sys.stiffness_matrix >>> F = sys.force_vector >>> xdot = sys.state_equation * Linearize an Euler-Lagrange system around the state's working point [0, 0, 0, 0] and the input's working point = [0, 0] and simulate for a step input and initial conditions >>> sys_lin, _ = sys.linearize([0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0]) >>> from nlcontrol.signals import step >>> step_sgnl = step(2) >>> init_cond = [1, 2, 0.5, 4] >>> sys_lin.simulation(5, initial_conditions=init_cond, input_signals=step_sgnl, plot=True) """ def __init__(self, states, inputs, sys=None): minimal_states, extended_states = self.__extend_states__(states) self.minimal_states = self.__process_init_input__(minimal_states) super().__init__(extended_states, inputs, sys=sys) self._M = None self._C = None self._K = None self._F = None def __str__(self): return """ EulerLagrange object: ===================== M(x).x'' + C(x, x').x' + K(x)= F(u)\n \twith: \t\tx: {} \t\tM: {} \t\tC: {} \t\tK: {} \t\tF: {} """.format(self.minimal_states, \ self.__matrix_to_str__(self.inertia_matrix), \ self.__matrix_to_str__(self.damping_matrix), \ self.__matrix_to_str__(self.stiffness_matrix), \ self.__matrix_to_str__(self.force_vector)) def __matrix_to_str__(self, matrix): """ Convert sympy's matrix object Matrix([[a, Derivative(b, t)], [c, d]]) to the string ''' [[a, Derivative(b, t)], [c d]] ''' which can be used in the EulerLagrange __str__ method. """ return str(matrix).replace("Matrix(", "").replace("]])", "]]").replace("],", "],\n\t\t\t\t").replace(", ", ", \t\t\t").replace(", \t\t\tt)", ", t)") @property def inertia_matrix(self) -> Matrix: """ :obj:`sympy Matrix` The matrix represents the inertia forces and it is checked that it is positive definite and symmetric. More on `sympy's Matrix <>`__. """ return self._M @inertia_matrix.setter def inertia_matrix(self, matrix:Matrix): if self.check_symmetry(matrix): if matrix.shape[0] == len(self.minimal_states): self._M = matrix else: error_text = "[EulerLagrange.inertia_matrix (setter)] The intertia matrix' dimension do not match the minimal state's dimension." raise ValueError(error_text) else: error_text = '[EulerLagrange.inertia_matrix (setter)] The intertia matrix should be symmetric.' raise ValueError(error_text) @property def damping_matrix(self) -> Matrix: """ :obj:`sympy Matrix` The matrix represents the damping and coriolis forces. More on `sympy's Matrix <>`__. """ return self._C @damping_matrix.setter def damping_matrix(self, matrix:Matrix): if matrix.shape[1] == len(self.minimal_states): self._C = matrix else: error_text = "[EulerLagrange.damping_matrix (setter)] The damping matrix' row length does not match the minimal state's dimension." raise ValueError(error_text) @property def stiffness_matrix(self) -> Matrix: """ :obj:`sympy Matrix` The matrix represents the elastic and centrifugal forces. More on `sympy's Matrix <>`__. """ return self._K @stiffness_matrix.setter def stiffness_matrix(self, matrix:Matrix): if matrix.shape[0] == len(self.minimal_states): self._K = matrix else: error_text = "[EulerLagrange.stiffness_matrix (setter)] The elastic matrix' length does not match the minimal state's dimension." raise ValueError(error_text) @property def force_vector(self) -> Matrix: """ :obj:`sympy Matrix` The matrix represents the external force or torque vector. This is a non-square matrix. More on `sympy's Matrix <>`__. """ return self._F @force_vector.setter def force_vector(self, matrix:Matrix): if matrix.shape[0] == len(self.minimal_states): self._F = matrix else: error_text = "[EulerLagrange.force_vector (setter)] The force vector's length does not match the minimal state's dimension." raise ValueError(error_text)
[docs] def define_system(self, M, C, K, F): """ Define the Euler-Lagrange system using the differential equation representation: .. math:: M(x).x'' + C(x, x').x' + K(x)= F(u) Here, x is the minimal state vector created in the constructor. The state-space model is generated in the form :math:`x^{*'} = f(x^*, u)`, with :math:`x^* = [x_1, dx_1, x_2, dx_2, ...]`, the extended state vector. The output is the minimal state vector. .. note:: Use create_variables() for an easy notation of state[i] and dstate[i]. Parameters: ----------- M : array-like Inertia matrix, the matrix is positive definite symmetric. Size: n x n C : array-like Damping matrix. Size: m x n K : array-like Elastic matrix. Size: n x 1 F : array-like External forces or torque inputs, non-square matrix. Size: n x 1 #TODO: add custom output vector Examples: --------- See class object. """ # Transform to sympy matrices and store to M_mat = Matrix(M) self.inertia_matrix = M_mat C_mat = Matrix(C) self.damping_matrix = C_mat K_mat = Matrix(K) self.stiffness_matrix = K_mat F_mat = Matrix(F) self.force_vector = F_mat state_equations = self.create_state_equations() self.system = DynamicalSystem(state_equation=state_equations, output_equation=self.states, state=self.states, input_=self.inputs)
def __extend_states__(self, states): """ Create both the minimal and extended state vector in string format. The extended state consists of the minimal states extended with its derivatives: minimal states : x_1, x_2, ... extended states : x_1, dx_1, x_2, dx_2 with dx_i representing the derivative of state x_i Parameters ----------- states : str or array-like if `states` is a string, it is a comma-separated listing of the state names. If `states` is array-like it contains the states as sympy's dynamic symbols. Returns -------- minimal_states: str The minimal states of the system as a string. exented_states: str or array-like if `states`is a string the extended states is returned as a string, else the `states` array-like object is passed on without any adaptations. """ separator = ", " if isinstance(states, str): if "," in states: extended_state_strings = list(chain.from_iterable( \ (state_str.replace(" ", ""),"d" + state_str.replace(" ", "")) \ for state_str in states.split(','))) else: extended_state_strings = [states.replace(" ", ""), \ "d" + states.replace(" ", "")] minimal_states = states return minimal_states, separator.join(extended_state_strings) else: extended_states = states processed_extended_states = [str(state).replace("(t)", "") for state in states] # keep elements on even index - remove derivative states minimal_states = separator.join(processed_extended_states[0::2]) return minimal_states, extended_states
[docs] def create_variables(self, input_diffs:bool=False): """ Returns a tuple with all variables. First the states are given, next the derivative of the states, and finally the inputs, optionally followed by the diffs of the inputs. All variables are sympy dynamic symbols. Parameters ----------- input_diffs : boolean also return the differentiated versions of the inputs, default: false. Returns -------- variables : tuple all variables of the system. Examples --------- * Return the variables of 'sys', which has two states and two inputs and add a system to the EulerLagrange object: >>> x1, x2, x1dot, x2dot, u1, u2, u1dot, u2dot = sys.create_variables(input_diffs=True) >>> M = [[1, x1*x2], [x1*x2, 1]] >>> C = [[2*x1dot, 1 + x1], [x2 - 2, 3*x2dot]] >>> K = [x1, 2*x2] >>> F = [u1, 0] >>> sys.define_system(M, C, K, F) """ return super().create_variables(states=self.minimal_states)
[docs] def check_symmetry(self, matrix) -> bool: """Check if matrix is symmetric. Returns a bool. Parameter ---------- matrix : sympy matrix a matrix that needs to be checked. Returns -------- value : bool the matrix being symmetric or not. """ matrix_shape = matrix.shape el_sym = [] if matrix_shape[0] == matrix_shape[1]: for i in range(matrix_shape[0]): for j in range(matrix_shape[1]): el_sym.append(matrix[i,j] == matrix[j, i]) return all(el_sym) else: print('Error: matrix is not squared.') return False
[docs] def create_state_equations(self): """ As the system contains a second derivative of the states, an extended state should be used, which contains the first derivative of the states as well. Therefore, the state equation has to be adapted to this new state vector. Returns -------- result : sympy array object the state equation for each element in self.states """ # \\TODO: Convert self.states to list before slicing, to be compatible with sympy > 1.4 minimal_dstates = Matrix(self.states[1::2]) dstates = Matrix(self.dstates[0::2]) substitution = dict(zip(dstates, minimal_dstates)) M_inv = self.inertia_matrix.inv() states_dotdot = M_inv * self.force_vector \ - M_inv * self.damping_matrix * minimal_dstates \ - M_inv * self.stiffness_matrix states_dot = [] for i in range(len(self.states)): if i%2 == 0: states_dot.append(self.states[i+1]) else: states_dot.append( \ msubs(states_dotdot[i//2].copy(), substitution)) states_dot = Array(states_dot) return states_dot