Closed Loop


class, controller=None)[source]

Bases: object

The object contains a closed loop configuration using BlockDiagram objects of the simupy module. The closed loop systems is given by the following block scheme:

systemSystembase or list of Systembase

A state-full or state-less system. The number of inputs should be equal to the number of controller outputs.

controllerControllerBase or list of ControllerBase

A state-full or state-less controller. The number of inputs should be equal to the number of system outputs.


  • Create a closed-loop object of SystemBase object ‘sys’, which uses the Euler-Lagrange formulation, and ControllerBase object ‘contr’ containing a PID and a DynamicController object in parallel.
    >>> from nlcontrol import PID, DynamicController, EulerLagrange
    >>> $
    >>> # Define the system:
    >>> states = 'x1, x2'
    >>> inputs = 'u1, u2'
    >>> sys = EulerLagrange(states, inputs)
    >>> x1, x2, dx1, dx2, u1, u2, du1, du2 = sys.create_variables(input_diffs=True)
    >>> M = [[1, x1*x2],
        [x1*x2, 1]]
    >>> C = [[2*dx1, 1 + x1],
        [x2 - 2, 3*dx2]]
    >>> K = [x1, 2*x2]
    >>> F = [u1, 0]
    >>> sys.define_system(M, C, K, F)
    >>> $
    >>> # Define the DynamicController controller:
    >>> st = 'z1, z2'
    >>> dyn_contr = DynamicController(states=st, inputs=sys.minimal_states)
    >>> z1, z2, z1dot, z2dot, w, wdot = contr.create_variables()
    >>> a0, a1, k1 = 12.87, 6.63, 0.45
    >>> b0 = (48.65 - a1) * k1
    >>> b1 = (11.79 - 1) * k1
    >>> A = [[0, 1], [-a0, -a1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> C = [[b0], [b1]]
    >>> f = lambda x: x**2
    >>> eta = [[w + wdot], [(w + wdot)**2]]
    >>> phi = [[z1], [z2dot]]
    >>> contr.define_controller(A, B, C, f, eta, phi)
    >>> $
    >>> # Define the PID:
    >>> kp = 1
    >>> kd = 1
    >>> ksi0 = [kp * x1, kp * x2]
    >>> psi0 = [kd * dx1, kd * dx2]
    >>> pid = PID(ksi0, None, psi0, inputs=sys.minimal_states)
    >>> $
    >>> # Create the controller:
    >>> contr = dyn_contr.parallel(pid)
    >>> $
    >>> # Create a closed-loop object:
    >>> CL = ClosedLoop(sys, contr)





create_block_diagram([forward_systems, …])

Create a closed loop block diagram with negative feedback.


Create a SystemBase object of the closed-loop system.


In many cases a nonlinear closed-loop system is observed around a certain working point.

simulation(tspan, initial_conditions[, …])

Simulates the closed-loop in various conditions.

property backward_system


The controller in the backward path of the closed loop.

create_block_diagram(forward_systems: list = None, backward_systems: list = None)[source]

Create a closed loop block diagram with negative feedback. The loop contains a list of SystemBase objects in the forward path and ControllerBase objects in the backward path.

forward_systemslist, optional (at least one system should be present in the loop)

A list of SystemBase objects. All input and output dimensions should match.

backward_systems: list, optional (at least one system should be present in the loop)

A list of ControllerBase objects. All input and output dimensions should match.

BDa simupy’s BlockDiagram object

contains the configuration of the closed-loop.


information on the ranges of the states and outputs in the output vectors of a simulation dataset.


Create a SystemBase object of the closed-loop system.


A Systembase object of the closed-loop system.

property forward_system


The system in the forward path of the closed loop.


In many cases a nonlinear closed-loop system is observed around a certain working point. In the state space close to this working point it is save to say that a linearized version of the nonlinear system is a sufficient approximation. The linearized model allows the user to use linear control techniques to examine the nonlinear system close to this working point. A first order Taylor expansion is used to obtain the linearized system. A working point for the states needs to be provided.

working_point_stateslist or int

the state equations are linearized around the working point of the states.

sys_lin: SystemBase object

with the same states and inputs as the original system. The state and output equation is linearized.

sys_control: control.StateSpace object


  • Print the state equation of the linearized closed-loop object of `CL’ around the state’s working point x[1] = 1 and x[2] = 5:
    >>> CL_lin, CL_control = CL.linearize([1, 5])
    >>> print('Linearized state equation: ', CL_lin.state_equation)
simulation(tspan, initial_conditions, plot=False, custom_integrator_options=None)[source]

Simulates the closed-loop in various conditions. It is possible to impose initial conditions on the states of the system. The results of the simulation are numerically available. Also, a plot of the states and outputs is available. To simulate the system scipy’s ode is used. # TODO: output_signal -> a disturbance on the output signal.

tspanfloat or list-like

the parameter defines the time vector for the simulation in seconds. An integer indicates the end time. A list-like object with two elements indicates the start and end time respectively. And more than two elements indicates at which time instances the system needs to be simulated.

initial_conditionsint, float, list-like object

the initial conditions of the states of a statefull system. If none is given, all are zero, default: None

plotboolean, optional

the plot boolean decides whether to show a plot of the inputs, states, and outputs, default: False

custom_integrator_optionsdict, optional (default: None)

Specify specific integrator options to pass to integrator_class.set_integrator (scipy ode). The options are ‘name’, ‘rtol’, ‘atol’, ‘nsteps’, and ‘max_step’, which specify the integrator name, relative tolerance, absolute tolerance, number of steps, and maximal step size respectively. If no custom integrator options are specified the DEFAULT_INTEGRATOR_OPTIONS are used:

    "name": "dopri5",
    "rtol": 1e-6,
    "atol": 1e-12,
    "nsteps": 500,
    "max_step": 0.0

time vector


four data vectors, the states and the outputs of the systems in the forward path and the states and outputs of the systems in the backward path.


  • A simulation of 5 seconds of the statefull SystemBase object ‘sys’ in the forward path and the statefull ControllerBase object `contr’ in the backward path for a set of initial conditions [x0_0, x1_0] and plot the results:
    >>> CL = ClosedLoop(sys, contr)
    >>> t, data = CL.simulation(5, [x0_0, x1_0], custom_integrator_options={'nsteps': 1000}, plot=True)
    >>> (x_p, y_p, x_c, y_c) = data

Building blocks

nlcontrol.closedloop.blocks.gain_block(value, dim)[source]

Multiply the output of system with dimension ‘dim’ with a contant value ‘K’.

valueint or float

Multiply the input signal with a value.

simupy's MemorylessSystem


A negative gain block with dimension 3:
>>> negative_feedback = gain_block(-1, 3)