Contribute - Git workflow

This is just a practical guide that can help you making contributions to the nlcontrol toolbox. It is very basic, so don’t expect too much.

Commit message

Refer to a component name, give a short description, and add a reference to the issue, if relevant (with ‘fix #<number>’ it means it is fixed)

COMPONENT_NAME: fix *some_text* (fix #1234)

More details here...

Initiate your work repository

Fork the jjuch/nlcontrol from github UI, and then

git clone
cd nlcontrol
git remote add my_user_name

Update your local master against upstream master

In command line do the following

git checkout master
git fetch origin
# Be careful: this will remove all local changes you might have done now
git reset --hard origin/master

Working with a feature branch

In command line do the following

git checkout master
(potentially update your local master against upstream, as described above)
git checkout -b my_new_feature_branch

# do something. For instance:
git add my_new_file
git add my_modified_message
git rm old_file
git commit -a

# you may need to resynchronize against master if you need some bugfix
# or new capability that has been added since you created your branch
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master

# At end of your work, make sure history is reasonable by folding non
# significant commits into a consistent set
git rebase -i master (use 'fixup' for example to merge several commits together,
and 'reword' to modify commit messages)

# or alternatively, in case there is a big number of commits and marking
# all them as 'fixup' is tedious
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
git reset --soft origin/master
git commit -a -m "Put here the synthetic commit message"

# push your branch
git push my_user_name my_new_feature_branch
From GitHub UI, issue a pull request

If the pull request discussion checks ‘requires changes’, commit locally and push. To get a clean history, you may need to git rebase -i master, in which case you will have to force-push your branch with git push -f my_user_name my_new_feature_branch.

Things you should NOT do

(For anyone with push rights to,) Never modify a commit or the history of anything that has been committed to

Disclaimer: Thank you GDAL repo for the inspiration.